
Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standards | "A Call to the United Nations to establish a Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standards" |

Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standards | "A Call to the United Nations to establish a Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standards" |

Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standards

Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standards A Worldwide minimum wage and labour standards will even up the playing field in a Globalized economy and prevent abuses that we see around the world ...Many even end up paying with their lives for Profit of Corporations. By putting in "Worldwide Minimum Wage and Labour Standard protections the World economy will develop and benefit and enhance all mankind. Help and sign the petition to the United Nations Tweets by @bordode

The 30 Articles of Human Rights

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Richard Falk: International Law and The Nature of Security

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The Idea of Justice

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Bracelet For Human Rights Workers Sends Kidnapping Alerts to Facebook, Twitter

Bracelet For Human Rights Workers Sends Kidnapping Alerts to Facebook, Twitter Tweets by @bordode

What is it like to be a Justice of the High Court? A public lecture by T...

Tweets by @bordode