Preventing and Eradicating Conversion Practices in Africa

Presentation on Preventing and Eradicating Conversion Practices in Africa.”


**Title Slide:**
**Preventing and Eradicating Conversion Practices in Africa** 
*Presented by: Dean Bordode, Human Rights’ Defender, Canada* 
*Date: [Conference Date]*

 **Slide 1: Introduction**
- **Topic Introduction:**
  - Conversion practices are widespread human rights violations faced by sexual and gender minorities in Africa.
  - Despite global opposition, these practices persist under various guises, fueled by legal, social, and cultural influences.
  - This presentation will explore the nature of these practices, their impacts, and the strategies for preventing and eradicating them across Africa.

### **Slide 2: Understanding Conversion Practices**
- **Definition:**
  - Conversion practices include any attempt to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
  - Forms of conversion practices include physical violence (e.g., beatings), psychological coercion, forced medical interventions, religious exorcisms, and more.

- **Historical Context:**
  - Conversion practices originated from 19th-century pseudoscientific theories that pathologized homosexuality.
  - Early “treatments” included hypnosis, castration, and psychotherapy, many of which have been debunked but persist in various forms in Africa.

### **Slide 3: The Scope of Conversion Practices in Africa**
- **Current Forms:**
  - Violent conversion practices, including forced “corrective” rape, assault, and exorcisms.
  - Legal forms, including the criminalization of consensual same-sex conduct, which can be seen as conversion by coercion.
  - Psychological practices: forced viewing of heterosexual pornography or religious conversion practices without consent.

- **Key Countries Impacted:**
  - Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, and others with strong anti-LGBTQ+ laws.

### **Slide 4: The Human Rights Impact**
- **Physical and Psychological Effects:**
  - Survivors of conversion practices experience long-lasting trauma, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies.

- **Legal Consequences:**
  - Continued enforcement of homophobic laws leads to imprisonment, discrimination, and loss of livelihoods.

- **Broader Social Impacts:**
  - The stigmatization of LGBTQ+ communities perpetuates a culture of violence and discrimination, fueling the cycle of abuse.

### **Slide 5: Legal Frameworks and African Human Rights Instruments**
- **Resolutions 275 and 552:**
  - Resolution 275 of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights condemns all forms of violence against people based on their real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity.
  - Resolution 552 focuses on the protection of human rights defenders working to protect LGBTQ+ rights.

- **National Constitutions and Anti-discrimination Laws:**
  - Some African countries are making progress with anti-discrimination laws, though these often conflict with existing anti-homosexuality legislation.

### **Slide 6: Strategies for Prevention and Eradication**
- **Legal Strategies:**
  - Strategic litigation to challenge homophobic laws as a form of conversion practice (e.g., Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act).
  - Encouraging the repeal of criminalizing laws and policies that fuel conversion practices.

- **Role of Health Practitioners:**
  - Training health care professionals to recognize and combat conversion practices in medical and mental health fields.

- **Media Campaigns:**
  - Raising awareness through the media about the harms of conversion practices and debunking myths surrounding LGBTQ+ identities.

### **Slide 7: Role of Religious and Traditional Leaders**
- **The Challenge:**
  - Many conversion practices are supported by religious narratives that view LGBTQ+ identities as sinful or unnatural.

- **Engagement Strategies:**
  - Engaging faith and traditional leaders in dialogue to shift narratives and foster inclusivity.
  - Highlighting religious leaders who have successfully advocated for LGBTQ+ rights as role models.

### **Slide 8: Case Study: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act**
- **Overview of the Law:**
  - Discuss the legal and social context that led to the enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Act.
  - How this law institutionalizes conversion practices through state-sponsored persecution.

- **Efforts to Combat It:**
  - Overview of ongoing legal challenges and international pressure to repeal the act.

### **Slide 9: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions**
- **National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs):**
  - NHRIs have a crucial role to play in protecting LGBTQ+ rights and preventing conversion practices.

- **Strategies for Engagement:**
  - Strengthening the capacity of NHRIs to address issues of conversion practices.
  - Collaborating with civil society organizations to monitor and report cases of conversion practices.

### **Slide 10: Conclusion**
- **Key Takeaways:**
  - Conversion practices are a violation of human rights and must be eradicated.
  - Multidisciplinary strategies—legal, medical, educational, and media—are needed to combat these practices.
  - Engaging religious and traditional leaders is essential for shifting harmful narratives and fostering inclusion.

- **Call to Action:**
  - Reaffirm the importance of continued advocacy, research, and collaboration among all stakeholders to prevent and eradicate conversion practices.

### **Slide 11: Questions and Discussion**

This structured presentation provides a comprehensive analysis of conversion practices in Africa, with actionable steps to combat them. Feel free to customize specific sections based on your audience and focus areas!

🌍 **New Report & Upcoming Presentation: Combatting Conversion Practices in Africa** 🌍

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve recently completed a report titled *Preventing and Eradicating Conversion Practices in Africa*. This work addresses the ongoing human rights violations faced by sexual and gender minorities, specifically focusing on harmful conversion practices across the continent.

🚨 **Key Highlights:**
- The persistence and forms of conversion practices.
- Legal, social, and cultural frameworks driving these harmful practices.
- Strategies for combatting them, including leveraging African human rights instruments like Resolutions 275 and 552.

As part of this effort, I’ll be delivering a full presentation at the upcoming **Sexual and Gender Minority Rights in Africa** conference. I’m looking forward to engaging with fellow scholars, activists, and human rights defenders to explore meaningful solutions.

Together, let’s continue the fight for equality and dignity for all. 🏳️‍🌈

#HumanRights #LGBTIQ #ConversionTherapy #Africa #Inclusion #Equality #SocialJustice #Advocacy


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