
Showing posts from March, 2014

Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Un-Authorized Euthanasia and Suspected Un-Authorized Euthanasia Needs to be Reported. Campaign is to Raise Awareness. Join the campaign and make a difference.

Un -Authorized Euthanasia and Suspected Un -Authorized Euthanasia Needs to be Reported. Campaign is to Raise Awareness. Join the campaign and make a difference.

Dean Bordode wants to Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia Specifically Un-Authorized Euthanasia and Suspected Euthanasia Needs to be Reported. Campaign is to Raise Awareness. 1 person has helped this campaign How you can help Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court

Dean Bordode wants to Help Stop Human Right's Violations / Un -Authorized Euthanasia Specifically Un -Authorized Euthanasia and Suspected Euthanasia Needs to be Reported. Campaign to is to Raise Awareness. 1 person has helped this campaign How you can help Sign the Petition  to United Nations and The International Criminal Court

The Death Penalty in 2013:

The Death Penalty in 2013:

International Human Rights Law: Prospects and Challenges …:

International Human Rights Law: Prospects and Challenges …:

Drake Equation: Estimating the Odds of Finding E.T.

Drake Equation: Estimating the Odds of Finding E.T .

How to Report Violations & Abuses, Human Rights Watch, Action Center, Amnesty International: United for Human Rights

How to Report Violations & Abuses, Human Rights Watch, Action Center, Amnesty International: United for Human Rights

Russian president Vladimir Putin has overseen strict new anti-gay laws, but evangelist Franklin Graham thinks he has it "right"? Read this week's open letter.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has overseen strict new anti-gay laws, but evangelist Franklin Graham thinks he has it "right"? Read this week's open letter.

A new global anti-gay network has launched - and they’re set to get more countries to pass laws against LGBT people. Will you chip in to help build a huge, powerful fund to stop them before they even get started?

A new global anti-gay network has launched - and they’re set to get more countries to pass laws against LGBT people. Will you chip in to help build a huge, powerful fund to stop them before they even get started?

An anti-gay "revolution" is in the works in response to the so-called "homosexual agenda," Scott Lively declared in a new interview with the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer. As Right Wing Watch first reported, Live...

An anti-gay "revolution" is in the works in response to the so-called "homosexual agenda," Scott Lively declared in a new interview with the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer. As Right Wing Watch first reported, Live...

Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Tuesday U.S. plans to send homosexuality "experts" to Uganda to discuss the country’s new Anti-Homosexuality Act with President Yoweri Museveni, according to Buzzfeed.

Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Tuesday U.S . plans to send homosexuality "experts" to Uganda to discuss the country’s new Anti-Homosexuality Act with President Yoweri Museveni , according to Buzzfeed .

A new global anti-gay network has launched - and they’re set to get more countries to pass laws against LGBT people. Will you chip in to help build a huge, powerful fund to stop them before they even get started?

A new global anti-gay network has launched - and they’re set to get more countries to pass laws against LGBT people. Will you chip in to help build a huge, powerful fund to stop them before they even get started?

Scott Lively's Quotes - Globalizing the Culture Wars: U.S. Conservatives, African Churches, and Homophobia - Political Research Associates

Scott Lively's Quotes - Globalizing the Culture Wars: U.S . Conservatives, African Churches, and Homophobia - Political Research Associates

How US Evangelicals Helped Create Russia's Anti-Gay Movement | Mother Jones

How US Evangelicals Helped Create Russia's Anti-Gay Movement | Mother Jones=

Uganda Punishing Gays: 'Sodomy Is Not A Human Right' Says Evangelical Leader

Uganda Punishing Gays: 'Sodomy Is Not A Human Right' Says Evangelical Leader=

Meet the American Pastor Behind Uganda's Anti-Gay Crackdown | Mother Jones

Meet the American Pastor Behind Uganda's Anti-Gay Crackdown | Mother Jones

Anti-gay advocates launch global ‘pro-family’ group

Anti-gay advocates launch global ‘pro-family’ group =

Uganda anti-gay laws: 'They can beat you up and kill you'

Uganda anti-gay laws: 'They can beat you up and kill you

Ugandan newspaper Red Pepper publishes 'top 200' homosexuals list

Ugandan newspaper Red Pepper publishes 'top 200' homosexuals list /

Why All LGBT People Should Care About Places Like Russia, Uganda and Gambia

Why All LGBT People Should Care About Places Like Russia, Uganda and Gambia

Orange has been caught advertising in a Ugandan tabloid known for targeting and outing LGBT people. Sign now to get Orange to pull the ads and stop the hate!

Orange has been caught advertising in a Ugandan tabloid known for targeting and outing LGBT people. Sign now to get Orange to pull the ads and stop the hate! .. These are crimes against humanity and the international court needs to prosecute these bigot criminals.

Kenya could become the next battleground for gay rights as lawmakers plan to introduce a motion in parliament to compel authorities to more strongly enforce the country's anti-homosexual law...

http:// /a/after- uganda - kenya -gears-up-for-gay-rights-debate/1864600. html

It's been a dark week for LGBTI rights in Uganda, as the Anti-Homosexuality Bill is passed and a swathe of allegedly gay men are publicly outed. Next week, our eyes will be on Zambia.

It's been a dark week for LGBTI rights in Uganda, as the Anti-Homosexuality Bill is passed and a swathe of allegedly gay men are publicly outed. Next week, our eyes will be on Zambia.

Speak out now against the new extreme law that sends LGBT Ugandans to jail for life. Sign now to get world leaders, companies, and religious groups to join in the outcry!

https :// / en /actions/kill-the-bill? utm_source =platform& utm_medium = emailspread & utm_content = english & utm_campaign =kill-the-bill&t= dXNlcmlkPTE0MDgyMzEsZW1haWxpZD0yMzkwNg ==