RT @InclusionBC: Regardless of #bced funding model, lack of accountability leads boards to cut extra supports as the easy fix when $$s are tight, which creates discriminatory #access barriers for students w/ #SpecialNeeds -So the answer lies w/ #bcpoli if the will exists #AllMeansAll #inclusion http://bit.ly/2Kqzzis
RT @InclusionBC: Regardless of #bced funding model, lack of accountability leads boards to cut extra supports as the easy fix when $$s are tight, which creates discriminatory #access barriers for students w/ #SpecialNeeds -So the answer lies w/ #bcpoli if the will exists #AllMeansAll #inclusion http://bit.ly/2Kqzzis Regardless of #bced funding model, lack of accountability leads boards to cut extra supports as the easy fix when $$s are tight, which creates discriminatory #access barriers for students w/ #SpecialNeeds -So the answer lies w/ #bcpoli if the will exists #AllMeansAll #inclusion https://t.co/8pjtB5iggm — Inclusion BC (@InclusionBC) May 16, 2018 http://twitter.com/CHPSRE/status/996808901436653568 RT @InclusionBC: Regardless of #bced funding model, lack of accountability leads boards to cut extra supports as the easy fix when $$s are tight, which creates discriminatory #access barriers for students w/ #SpecialNeeds -So the answer lies w/ #bcpoli if the will exists #Al...