RT @PT_Foundation: MT @erictlee I write with @PeterTatchell in @HuffPostUK to mark today's 100th anniversary of #Georgia's declaration of independence in 1918 & the creation of a democratic socialist republic. Sad to now see LGBTs under attack by church & neo-Nazis: http://bit.ly/2IKwkpH @CHPSRE http://bit.ly/2xf1G2J
RT @PT_Foundation: MT @erictlee I write with @PeterTatchell in @HuffPostUK to mark today's 100th anniversary of #Georgia's declaration of independence in 1918 & the creation of a democratic socialist republic. Sad to now see LGBTs under attack by church & neo-Nazis: http://bit.ly/2IKwkpH @CHPSRE http://bit.ly/2xf1G2J MT @erictlee I write with @PeterTatchell in @HuffPostUK to mark today's 100th anniversary of #Georgia 's declaration of independence in 1918 & the creation of a democratic socialist republic. Sad to now see LGBTs under attack by church & neo-Nazis: https://t.co/wnGLvtYlGn @CHPSRE pic.twitter.com/v0HHk60V3W — Peter Tatchell Fdn (@PT_Foundation) May 26, 2018 http://twitter.com/CHPSRE/status/1000402131474509827 RT @PT_Foundation: MT @erictlee I write with @PeterTatchell in @HuffPostUK to mark today's 100th anniversary of #Georgia's declaration of independence in 1918 & the creation of a democratic socialist republic. Sad to ...