RT @CWP_CSP: RT @publicjustice: Tell your MP to Set a Course for #DignityForAll by creating a strong and robust national anti-poverty plan. @DignityForAllCA #cdnpoli http://bit.ly/2KOiAYy
RT @CWP_CSP: RT @publicjustice: Tell your MP to Set a Course for #DignityForAll by creating a strong and robust national anti-poverty plan. @DignityForAllCA #cdnpoli http://bit.ly/2KOiAYy RT @publicjustice : Tell your MP to Set a Course for #DignityForAll by creating a strong and robust national anti-poverty plan. @DignityForAllCA #cdnpoli https://t.co/7ka1b2FXhr — CanadaWithoutPoverty (@CWP_CSP) May 16, 2018 http://twitter.com/CHPSRE/status/996815781823299584 RT @CWP_CSP: RT @publicjustice: Tell your MP to Set a Course for #DignityForAll by creating a strong and robust national anti-poverty plan. @DignityForAllCA #cdnpoli http://bit.ly/2KOiAYy