RT @PeterTatchell: As Turkey & Afghanistan reach migration agreement & Ankara openly brags about unlawfully summarily deporting 10,000 Afghan asylum seekers to Kabul, is the European Union breathing a sigh of relief & hoping for even more deportations? http://bit.ly/2rUIxO7 @amnesty @AmnestyUK
RT @PeterTatchell: As Turkey & Afghanistan reach migration agreement & Ankara openly brags about unlawfully summarily deporting 10,000 Afghan asylum seekers to Kabul, is the European Union breathing a sigh of relief & hoping for even more deportations? http://bit.ly/2rUIxO7 @amnesty @AmnestyUK As Turkey & Afghanistan reach migration agreement & Ankara openly brags about unlawfully summarily deporting 10,000 Afghan asylum seekers to Kabul, is the European Union breathing a sigh of relief & hoping for even more deportations? https://t.co/jYnXE7Ebmd @amnesty @AmnestyUK — Peter Tatchell (@PeterTatchell) May 19, 2018 http://twitter.com/CHPSRE/status/998313226612817920 RT @PeterTatchell: As Turkey & Afghanistan reach migration agreement & Ankara openly brags about unlawfully summarily deporting 10,000 Afghan asylum seekers to Kabul, is the European Union breathing a sigh of relief & hoping for even more deportations? http://bit.ly/2rUIxO7 @amnesty @Am...