
Showing posts from July, 2014

The petition will help, as the United Nations and the International Court will have this issue brought to the forefront and it will help enforcement and oversight. By signing you ask the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to hold accountable and to persecute to the full extent of the Law all  individuals in governments, corporations and individuals whom practice, or attempt to…

 Link;  The petition will help, as the United Nations and the International Court will have this issue brought to the forefront and it will help enforcement and oversight. By signing you ask the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to hold accountable and to persecute to the full extent of the Law all  individuals in governments, corporations and individuals whom practice, or attempt to…

Euthanasia. Murder not Mercy

Right to Life |  Euthanasia

Right to Life |  Euthanasia/
Check out THINK STOP SILENCE (@bordode):

Un-Authorized Euthanasia and Suspected Un-Authorized Euthanasia Needs to be Reported. Campaign is to Raise Awareness. Join the campaign and make a difference.

Un -Authorized Euthanasia and Suspected Un -Authorized Euthanasia Needs to be Reported. Campaign is to Raise Awareness. Join the campaign and make a difference.

Join me in the denousiation of The crime against humanity of un authorized euthenasia in all its forms!

We are making significant ground to Stop Crimes Against Humanity of Un - Authorized Euthenasia in all its forms, and for the push on the persecutions of all perpetrators and collaborators. Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations of Un-Authorized Euthanasia

We are making significant ground to Stop Crimes Against Humanity of Un - Authorized Euthenasia in all its forms, and for the push on the persecutions of all perpetrators and collaborators. Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations of Un-Authorized Euthanasia

We are making significant ground to Stop Crimes Against Humanity of Un - Authorized Euthenasia in all its forms, and for the push on the persecutions of all perpetrators and collaborators. Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations of Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Follow me on twitter, facebook and google plus

Follow me on twitter, facebook and google plus

Help Me Stop Crimes Against Humanity of  Un-Authorized Euthanasia, join me and sign this petition.

Help Me Stop Crimes Against Humanity of  Un -Authorized Euthanasia, join me and sign this petition.

Stand with me and the Nigerian girls: show the world we are #StrongerThan those who deny girls an education

Stand with me and the Nigerian girls: show the world we are #StrongerThan those who deny girls an education

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Desmond Tutu confuses assisted dying with switching off life support.

Alex Schadenberg , Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Desmond Tutu confuses assisted dying with switching off life support

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Assisted Suicide lobby group pushes death by dehydration.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Assisted Suicide lobby group pushes death by dehydration.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: UK: Assisted Suicide Bill: "Eligible" Patients May Have Years, Even Decades, to Live.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: UK: Assisted Suicide Bill: "Eligible" Patients May Have Years, Even Decades, to Live.

Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia .. Please sign the petition?

Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia .. Please sign the petition?

Can i count on your support to sign this petition? Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Can I count on your support to sign this petition?  Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Euthanasia in Canada: Letter Writing Campaign.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Euthanasia in Canada: Letter Writing Campaign.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Petition: Stop euthanasia Bill 52 in Québec

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Petition: Stop euthanasia Bill 52 in Québec

Help me reach 1,000 signatures ...Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Help  me reach 1,000 signatures ...Help Stop Human Right's Violations / Un -Authorized Euthanasia

Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasiat

Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations /Un-Authorized Euthanasia

Sign the Petition to United Nations and The International Criminal Court · Help Stop Human Right's Violations / Un -Authorized Euthanasia our

Session 6: Documenting Human Rights Abuses (Robin…:

Session 6: Documenting Human Rights Abuses (Robin…: eCoLc

Session 1: UN Human Rights Mechanisms (June 11, 2…: 6amI

Session 1: UN Human Rights Mechanisms (June 11, 2…: 6amI

Session 1: UN Human Rights Mechanisms (June 11, 2…:

Session 1: UN Human Rights Mechanisms (June 11, 2…:

Let's Go Global: Filling the Human Rights Gap:

Let's Go Global: Filling the Human Rights Gap:

Homophobic violence is at increase

Homophobic violence is at increase