
Showing posts from October, 2014

Doctors Raise Organ Harvesting Issue in China During Transplant Congress

Tweets by @bordode

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (5/11)

Tweets by @bordode

'Dead' Woman Wakes Up Before Organ Removal; Doctors Continue Anyway

Tweets by @bordode

'Dead' Woman Wakes Up Before Organ Removal; Doctors Continue Anyway

Tweets by @bordode

Doctors Plan Organ Harvesting, But He's Not Dead Yet!

Tweets by @bordode

Doctors Plan Organ Harvesting, But He's Not Dead Yet!

Tweets by @bordode

The Emergence of the Modern Middle East with Ashe…:

The Emergence of the Modern Middle East with Ashe…:

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking". All conspirators, collaborators, profiteers in Organ illicit trade be charged with crimes against humanity. . Join the campaign and make a difference.

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking". All conspirators, collaborators, profiteers in Organ illicit trade be charged with crimes against humanity. . Join the campaign and make a difference.
Check out @bordode's Tweet: https :// /bordode/status/527190804700594176?s=09




OVERVIEW OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS FRAMEWORK http:// / ihr-reading-room / overview-of-the-human-rights-framework /

International Criminal Court (ICC) - Institutiona…:

International Criminal Court (ICC) - Institutiona…: http:// youtu .be/1K4Y8iqLzxQ

Statement of the Prosecutor of the ICC on the Occ…:

Statement of the Prosecutor of the ICC on the Occ…:
Dr. Michio Kaku about Future Civilizations:

Basic Income, a new human right (English)

Support this idea and sign the petition:   Tweets by @ bordode

Basic Income, a new human right (English)

Tweets by @bordode

Basic Income, a new human right (English)

Tweets by @bordode

Protect Israel and Preserve the Jewish People in the Holy Land
Tweets by @bordode

Write for Amnesty on Blog Action Day | Amnesty's global human rights blog

What is inequality to you?

The need for a "World Central Government" & "World Regional Governments" for Human Rights' Equality, Peace and Global Security.

The world has to many trade disputes, political disputes, local conflicts, inequities from labour standards, rights, earnings, health care, shelter, food, water, wealth gap between the poor and the rich widening, hunger etc.  Now we have another ongoing threat of terrorism that requires the worlds undivided attention to beat.   The world already has central type governments, such as the E.U., African Union, Arab league, Regional and World Trade bodies, Regional world powers such as China, Russia and the United States. The world needs local central governments that can take the challenge, as a group of nations to stifle out inequalities, local conflicts and terrorism. U.N. headquarters in NYC is by default the Capital of this Federation solution to take the world to a class 1 civilization, and for further advancement and will ensure the survival of the human race here on earth and beyond.   All the national governments can not go about this...

Human Rights' Violations and Violence

Structural Violence is: Avoidable impairment of fundamental human needs Includes racism, sexism, ageism etc. , also includes political  and economic inequalities.   Political,  economical, social conditions that prevent people from reaching their full potential.

Stop the Killing of the Meek and the Infirm - Sign the petition

Did you know about Unauthorized Euthanasia? Did you know it violates your human rights, as guaranteed to you under the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights''? Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Article 7. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Article 30. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Mental health acts are meant to protect ones l...

Help Stop Human Right's Violations Unauthorized Euthanasia. wear the pin on your profile and sign the petition

Help Stop Human Right's Violations Unauthorized Euthanasia. wear the pin on your profile and sign the petition

#Turquie Enregistrer #kabani protéger #Nato Frontier

Pope Francis condemns ?hidden euthanasia? of old people

Tweets by @bordode

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old people

Tweets by @bordode

Organs Across Borders - World

Twee ts by @bordode

Organs Across Borders - World

Twee ts by @bordode

Organs Across Borders - World

Twee ts by @bordode

Organs Across Borders - World

Twee ts by @bordode

Organs Across Borders - World

Tweets by @bordode

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" and "illicit transplant surgeries" &...

U.N . - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" and "illicit transplant surgeries"

Seat: The Hague Instruments: Charter of the UN; ICJ Statute Operating Since: 1946 The International Court of Justice, successor to the Permanent Court of International Justice, may resolve intern...

Seat: The Hague  Instruments: Charter of the UN; ICJ Statute  Operating Since: 1946 The International Court of Justice, successor to the Permanent Court of International Justice, may resolve intern...

How to Report Violations & Abuses, Human Rights Watch, Action Center, Amnesty International: United for Human Rights

How to Report Violations & Abuses, Human Rights Watch, Action Center, Amnesty International: United for Human Rights

Human organ trafficking: Who's buying and selling organs? (The Feed)

Tweets by @bordode

"Tales From The Organ Trade"

Tweets by @bordode

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old people

Tweets by @bordode

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old people

Tweets by @bordode

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking"

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" and "illicit transplant surgeries" & Prosecute these crimes against humanity We hereby lobby the United Nations, General Assembly to Prosecute Organ trafficking and illicit transplant surgeries, as crimes against humanity. All parties in the attempt to solicit to purchase, provide surgery to remove illicit organs and to transplant them knowingly & unknowingly, to receive such organs, conspiracies to euthanize victims in hospitals to take organs legitably; however it being illicit. All conspirators, collaborators, profiteers in the whole chain of this illicit trade be charged for crimes against humanity. Move to put strict regulations on transplantation to ensure patients are not euthanized to extract organs, people are not enticed to sell organs or murdered for their organs to be stolen. All collaborators and co-conspirators of o...

Stop the killing by unauthorized euthanasia, sign the petition now!

Stop the killing by unauthorized euthanasia, sign the petition now!

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old …:

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old …:

Hitler's secret Nazi program that killed thousands of disabled people

Tweets by @bordode

Peter Saunders - launch of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Europe

Tweets by @bordode

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Europe launch and debate

Tweets by @bordode

Help Stop Human Right's Violations Unauthorized Euthanasia - Sign the Petition and share

Action to Stop Unauthorized Euthanasia -  Campaign is to Raise Awareness and to Prosecute perpetrators and collaborators of these crimes against humanity..  / Action to report incidents of unauthorized euthanasia / The goal is to prosecute perpetrators and collaborators of unauthorized euthanasia.   Help in prosecution of perpetrators, whom use euthanasia under the guise of care Help in prosecution of perpetrators, whom use euthanasia under the guise of care, that may be motivated to save money and/ or deem the victims life worthless, or hopeless and terminal. Doctors, Nurses and others government workers, and others whom practice such acts, or are in cohesion by self, or as a group, should be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court. Unauthorized euthanasia (whether passive, secretive or direct) is against the he Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see some excerpts that apply The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United ...

Starbucks Employee Rejects Pregnant Woman's Request, Kicks Her Out

http:// /i/society/pregnant-woman-says- arizona - starbucks - wouldnt -let-her-use-its-bathroom

What is #God's Fundamental Quality?

Tweets by @bordode

Strange Apocalyptic Sounds WORLDWIDE 2013

Tweets by @bordode

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another. Article 2 Everyone has the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made based on the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it is an independent country as a Trust Territory, not autonomous or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Article 6 Every human being has the ri...

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old people

Involuntary eutanasia in the NHS , Britain , United Kingdom Elderly left to die

Involuntary eutanasia in the NHS , Britain , United Kingdom Elderly left...

Tweets by @bordode

Pope Francis condemns 'hidden euthanasia' of old people

Tweets by @bordode

Involuntary eutanasia in the NHS , Britain , United Kingdom Elderly left...

Appalling crimes against humanity. Tweets by @bordode

Involuntary eutanasia in the NHS , Britain , United Kingdom Elderly left...

Appalling crimes against humanity. Tweets by @bordode

Action to Stop Unauthorized Euthanasia - Campaign is to Raise Awareness. / Action to report... (89 signatures on petition)

Action to Stop Unauthorized Euthanasia - Campaign  is to Raise Awareness.  / Action to report... (89 signatures on petition)

Help in prosecution of perpetrators, whom use euthanasia under the guise of care Help in prosecution of perpetrators, whom use euthanasia under the guise of care, that may be motivated to save money and/ or deem the victims life worthless, or hopeless and terminal. Doctors, Nurses and others government workers, and others whom practice such acts, or are in cohesion by self, or as a group, should be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court.  Unauthorized euthanasia (whether passive, secretive or direct) is against the he Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see some excerpts that apply The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations)Article 2.Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, We need to prevent circumstances of unauthorized euthanasia. We firstly need to educate ourselves, and monitor our ill relations and friends care - to prevent their right to life being violated; however long they may have to live. Remember, just because a doctor states / signs a expected length of life is left, this does not mean that this is what is happening ... A patient may go on living for years or decades ****The argument is not about people on life supports, and that are brain dead and withdrawing life supports, as this is another issue that has major ethical implications. We need to protect the elderly, terminally ill, mentally ill, poor and physically handicapped persons, where others deems them a burden, on society, and that their life is worthless and of no value, and find an opportunity to save money. These people, as said above may be targeted, via opportunistic criminals, such as those above said persons coming to them to get help, but instead are put through a death panel and even secretly decide to put then under DNR order's, withdrawal of care, withdrawal of food and water (could be provided, but left for the patient to help themselves, but terminally drug up the patient) and provide narcotics and other medications to hasten death, Under the guise that death may be imminent, or the patient will suffer. Educate yourself to protect yourself and your loved ones. Lay no fear in a diagnosis nor a prognosis. Be wary of individuals or groups of predators trying to save money, at your expense by using their analysis. You must second guess and get second opinions and analyze what is said to you, outside of their influence. Manipulation and deception can be unfolded, and you have the power! Support Help Stop Human Right's Violations Unauthorized Euthanasia: add a #PicBadge to your image #humanrights #civilrights #euthanasia via @PicBadges

Help in prosecution of perpetrators, whom use euthanasia under the guise of care Help in prosecution of perpetrators, whom use euthanasia under the guise of care, that may be motivated to save money and/ or deem the victims life worthless, or hopeless and terminal. Doctors, Nurses and others government workers, and others whom practice such acts, or are in cohesion by self, or as a group, should be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court.  Unauthorized euthanasia (whether passive, secretive or direct) is against the he Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see some excerpts that apply The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations)Article 2.Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, We need to prevent circumstances of unauthorized euthanasia. We firstly need to educate ourselves, and monit...

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (2011) | Watch the Full Documentary Online

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (2011) | Watch the Full Documentary Online Tweets by @bordode

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? Tweets by @bordode

United Nations News Centre - In Geneva, UN chief stresses central role of human rights in global humanitarian efforts

United Nations News Centre - In Geneva, UN chief stresses central role of human rights in global humanitarian efforts Tweets by @bordode

United Nations News Centre - On International Day, UN encourages full participation of older persons in society

United Nations News Centre - On International Day, UN encourages full participation of older persons in society Tweets by @bordode