
Allout -

Emergency in Azerbaijan. Help now. In an unprecedented crackdown, 83 people have been arrested in Azerbaijan under suspicion of being LGBT. They’re being hunted down, beaten, tortured with electric shocks, and forced to undergo traumatic “medical examinations.” Our partners at Minority Azerbaijan can help, but they simply don’t have the funds. Donate today to fund their emergency support costs, like providing safe housing and legal support for the victims in Azerbaijan.

OMG! U.S. votes against U.N. resolution condemning death penalty for LGBTQ people; is this who we are?

OMG! U.S. votes against U.N. resolution condemning death penalty for LGBTQ people; is this who we are?

Euthanasia lobby confirms elder abuse risk – but doesn’t seem to care

Euthanasia lobby confirms elder abuse risk – but doesn’t seem to care

BREAKING: Trump, Pence force their hate and discrimination onto the military with transgender ban via @HRC

BREAKING: Trump, Pence force their hate and discrimination onto the military with transgender ban via @HRC

URGENT: 42 gay men arrested in Nigeria...

URGENT: 42 gay men arrested in Nigeria... 42 innocent gay men are being held in Nigeria on trumped-up charges. Help them now! https :// / en /a/ free-nigerian-42 /? akid =16112.2022060.n8W0T-& rd =1&t=9& utm _campaign= free-nigerian-42 & utm _medium=email& utm _source= actionsuite

It's been #100DaysofInjustice for the #Chechen100. Join @AllOut & demand justice:

#Shoutout - Allout - It's been #100DaysofInjustice for the #Chechen100. Join @AllOut & demand justice: - South Korea: Stop the anti-gay hunt

There's an anti-gay hunt happening in South Korea -  More than 30 soldiers in South Korea could be sentenced to prison, just for being gay. Sign the petition and help stop it. https :// / en /a/ south-korea /? akid =15395.2022060.R82IbP& rd =1&t=8& utm _campaign= south-korea & utm _medium=email& utm _source= actionsuite