Sign the Petition - Subject: Uganda to officially pass ‘Kill The Gays Bill' Hi, Think - STOP The SILENCE ... Subject: Uganda to officially pass ‘Kill The Gays Bill' Hi, Think - STOP The SILENCE ... Uganda STOP the atrocities prior to they begin ... Human Right's and Freedom is about Fairness. Do not deny the humanity of others. Intolerance is the basis of oppression to everyone. Humanity has learned from the past ... Please ensure Uganda will emulate Human Right's. Freedom and Fairness to all. The World will not stand by in Silence !! Hate is the basis of all Evil. That's why I created a petition to Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, Stop proposed Kill the Gays Bill in Uganda, which says: "Stop proposed Kill the Gays Bill in Uganda" Will you sign this petition? Click here: Thanks!

Sign the Petition - Subject: Uganda to officially pass ‘Kill The Gays Bill' Hi, Think - STOP The SILENCE ...

Subject: Uganda to officially pass ‘Kill The Gays Bill'


Think - STOP The SILENCE ...
Uganda STOP the atrocities prior to they begin ... Human Right's and Freedom is about Fairness. Do not deny the humanity of others. Intolerance is the basis of oppression to everyone. Humanity has learned from the past ... Please ensure Uganda will emulate Human Right's. Freedom and Fairness to all. The World will not stand by in Silence !! Hate is the basis of all Evil.

That's why I created a petition to Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, Stop proposed Kill the Gays Bill in Uganda, which says:

"Stop proposed Kill the Gays Bill in Uganda"

Will you sign this petition? Click here:



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