The world is on a presuppose for a major shift.

We are close to a level 1 Global Civilization ... We are threatened by the destruction of the Environment and our own Eventual Extinction Level Event or set of events. 

We must change, before it is too late. 

A World Government will enable mankind to survive United and delete our differences and make the changes necessary for our survival. 
All the earth resources need to be conserved and shared equally. 
A plan to start to colonize the Moon and Mars should be enacted ASAP, as having all of mankind on this Planet risks our extinction. 
We are 1 and we will only survive as 1. 
The UN is already established ... 
The People of the Planet now need and must  reflect and ask what they want and how they will overcome a very likely and certain extinction.
The  People of the Earth need to guide their representatives to Act to preserve the  future of Mankind. 

Submit your ideas to contribute and support the challenge.


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