The Human Brain, Neuroscience and the Internet ... What does it mean to you?

Wow, what happens when they release this one on the INTERNET, one brighter than the brightest human beings?  Do I have to ask?  

 The future of total connectivity of your brain to the INTERNET and the INTERNET being a thinking brain ... ... ...  Thinking total dominance... 

We are talking about a next level civilization #2, as physicists would say. 

Now, if everything you do and think can directly be impacted ...   

Freedom, Civil Rights and Human Rights that are not vigorously protected in the physical and not physical realms ...  

We can look at total annihilation of our choice of destiny.We are making a civilization jump and if any one person or organization or company controls this ... 

We will be slaves,  as in a Bee Hive, rather than being masters of our own destiny with free will, as given to us from the beginning of time.  

It is the responsibility of all men, woman and children to vigorously introspect and protect their  Freedom, Civil Rights, Human Rights and Free Will ... 

We know without if it is plain hell. INTROSPECT and be involved with your elected members and let them know what you want ... 

Remember the noisiest wheel will get the oil.  Lobbying does make a difference and this is why the biggest companies and rich people use it.  

Retrospect and Introspect and remember it does make a difference if you vote, but you must also lobby to ensure your rights are protected. 

Technology is great and will improve us all by making a civilization jump and improving everything and everybody, but we need to control it and guide it vigorously, that it may not cause our demise, or take our most treasured values away.




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