Think Stop Silence comments that can protect YOU!
Hospitals digging that deep for your personal information can be a danger to you.
Be wary of times when budgets are issues and don't allow any chance for others to try to save money on you.
The information can be use to discriminate on treatments for patients, based on economics, sexual orientation, mental illness etc.
Such said information, even if not coded to you can easily be available to your health professionals,
Mental health declarations can give doctors ammunition to forcefully treat with unwanted treatments, using mental health act/s.
If one is deemed terminal then they may deny treatments and proceed to decide to act on decisions that in turn may hasten your life.
i.e. sedate with morphine for that possible upcoming definite death that they may claim is imminent, based on their interpretive diagnosis' and this can be done against your will and or your families will with the pretense for your best interest.
Protect yourself - have a health detective drawn up and have family and/or friends monitor you and your health, including doctors and nursers notes on a daily basis!
Ensure this is ordered in your health directive that is registered with a lawyer and provide a copy to the treating staff.
see the article here: