Peace and a perfect democracy on Earth

The world needs to put aside its differences and totally accept one another. All conflict must end and enduring peace needs to happen first. Looking at the world right now in 2014 ... It is doublful such disarmament will happen, unless attitudes change globally and for that to happen ... We need to educate all citizens and have one rule of law, One world government, a planetary unification  that is ensuring all are treated fairly and all citizens are taken care of ...
.then you will see enduring permanent peace amongst mankind.
The United Nations can accomplish this globalization.

In democracy, all need to lobby in order to be heard and to get government to  action. All have the power to do just that, but after citizens vote ,  they forget about it afterwards, unless some crises happens.   Companies, Unions and Rights organizations  stay close to the elected officials and  voice their concern's. Citizens with education and technology  will eventually have complete input made possible by the internet.  People need to care about their democracy and their rights to be compelled to act, as government affects all parts of their lives.


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