United Nations and The International Criminal Court This Petition is to bring the issue of Un-Authorized Euthanasia to the forefront of United Nations and The International Court for Prevention, Investigations and Enforcement. Think Stop Silence's insight:  "Report violations or human rights abuse"  Un-Authorized Euthanasia is a "Crime Against Humanity" and should be prosecuted as such. There are International, National, Local Conventions, Constitutional Rights / Laws, Civil Laws and Regulations that need to be adhered to. Countries are ultimately responsible to have oversight and enforce "All Human Right's" Including The Right to Life .... Report Violations to make Governments Accountable and Stop Perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity. From www.humanrights.com - Learn how to report violations or human rights abuses to organizations such as Amnesty International, Children’s Defense Fund, Human Rights Watch, Action Center and others. PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSIS ABUSE REPORT FORM  PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST MISDIAGNOSIS AND ABUSE  http://www.cchr.org/take-action/psychiatric-abuse-report-form.html Un-Authorized Euthanasia can take many different forms; from denying treatment to over treating or treating incorrectly intentionally. There are alway signs that the above said "Crime Against Humanity" is being attempted, as things will not make sense ... You should question everything, research it and get unconnected second opinions ... Also the mentally ill are at higher risk as substitute decision makers can be in force that are not really looking after patients, but their bottom lines.



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