
Showing posts from February, 2015

No More Stolen Sisters | Amnesty International Canada

No More Stolen Sisters | Amnesty International Canada http:// / our-work /issues/ indigenous-peoples / no-more-stolen-sisters#.VPCs-dgNzHU.twitter

No gays allowed' in Northern Ireland?

'No gays allowed' in Northern Ireland? https :// / en /a/ northern-ireland /? akid =4877.2022060.MUGRQ3& rd =1&t=3& utm _campaign= northern-ireland & utm _content= english & utm _medium=email& utm _source= actionsuite

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: One third of Dutch doctors would euthanize people with mental illness.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: One third of Dutch doctors would euthanize people with mental illness.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canadian Supreme Court condemns disabled people to death

Alex Schadenberg , Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canadian Supreme Court condemns disabled people to death http:// /2015/02/ canadian-supreme-court-condemns.html ? utm _source=Euthanasia+Prevention+Coalition+Newsletter& utm _campaign=08d50bc59d- EPC _newsletter_and_ updates2 _25_2015& utm _medium=email& utm _term=0_105a5cdd2d-08d50bc59d-158375117&m=1

Human Rights in 2014: the numbers | Amnesty International UK

Human Rights in 2014: the numbers | Amnesty International UK http:// /human-rights-2014-numbers? utm _source=GOOGLE_PLUS_PAGE& utm _medium=Social& utm _content=20150225190727& utm _campaign=Amnesty

The Story of Human Rights:

The Story of Human Rights: UIQ

Amnesty International - The State of the World's Human Rights 2014/2015:

Amnesty International - The State of the World's Human Rights 2014/2015: http:// / SG93nivCMbI

Who's watching the spies?

Canada - Who's watching the spies?  https :// / ea-action /action? =1694& =35874 

Check out CollaborateForRights (@CHPSRE):

Check out CollaborateForRights (@CHPSRE): https :// / CHPSRE ?s=09

What is at Stake in Friday’s Decision on Assisted Suicide | CACL - Canadian Association for Community Living

What is at Stake in Friday’s Decision on Assisted Suicide | CACL - Canadian Association for Community Living http:// / news-stories /blog/ whatsatstake

What's At Stake in Friday's Supreme Court Decision on Assisted Suicide | Council of Canadians with Disabilities

What's At Stake in Friday's Supreme Court Decision on Assisted Suicide | Council of Canadians with Disabilities

Protect Canadians from Assisted Suicide | CitizenGO

Protect Canadians from Assisted Suicide | CitizenGO http:// / en /18866-protect-vulnerable-canadians-assisted-suicide?m=5& tcid =10377509

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canadian Disability groups respond to Supreme Court assisted suicide decision

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canadian Disability groups respond to Supreme Court assisted suicide decision

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Guardianship, Elder Abuse and Assisted Suicide: A personal shift in focus.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Guardianship, Elder Abuse and Assisted Suicide: A personal shift in focus. http:// /2014/02/ preventing-abuse-and-exploitation.html ?m=1

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: The Supreme Court of Canada has decided not to protect people from assisted suicide.

Alex Schadenberg , Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: The Supreme Court of Canada has decided not to protect people from assisted suicide. http:// /2015/02/ the-supreme-court-of-canada-has-decided.html ?m=1

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: SCC Assisted Suicide decision is irresponsible and dangerous.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: SCC Assisted Suicide decision is irresponsible and dangerous. http :// /2015/02/ scc-assisted-suicide-decision-is.html ?m=1

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Opposing the Supreme Court of Canada assisted suicide decision.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Opposing the Supreme Court of Canada assisted suicide decision. http:// /2015/02/ opposing-supreme-court-of-canada.html ? utm _source=Euthanasia+Prevention+Coalition+Newsletter& utm _campaign=a51745d814-Opposing_the+Supreme_Court_decision& utm _medium=email& utm _term=0_105a5cdd2d-a51745d814-158375117&m=1

Avaaz - A disaster the world can avoid

Avaaz - A disaster the world can avoid https :// / en / un _humanitarian_chief_72v2/? bBNJwbb &v=53988

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" - The Petition Site

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" - The Petition Site http:// / takeaction /246/387/528/

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" · Causes

U.N. - STOP Illegal clandestine "Organ trafficking" · Causes https :// /campaigns/84599-u-n-stop-illegal-clandestine-organ-trafficking

Stop Involuntary Euthanasia - ITS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!

Stop Involuntary Euthanasia - ITS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! http:// /986/510/620/ help-stop-human-rights-violations-unauthorized-euthanasia /

Stop Involuntary Euthanasia - ITS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!

Stop Involuntary Euthanasia - ITS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! http:// /986/510/620/ help-stop-human-rights-violations-unauthorized-euthanasia /

Human Rights Council Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure - United Nations

Human Rights Council Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure  - United Nations  http:// / EN / HRBodies / HRC / ComplaintProcedure /Pages/ HRCComplaintProcedureIndex.aspx

Who is a Human Rights defender and What Does a Human Rights Defender Do?

Who is a Human Rights defender and What Does a Human Rights Defender Do? http:// / EN /Issues/ SRHRDefenders /Pages/ Defender.aspx

Avaaz - End the global tax scam

Avaaz - End the global tax scam

#Canada - Stop Spying on Us | OpenMedia

#Canada -  Stop Spying on Us | OpenMedia

ICC Watch "Enforcement of Sentences" on YouTube

ICC Watch "Enforcement of Sentences" on YouTube

Explore the Swiss Leaks Data | International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Explore the Swiss Leaks Data | International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions | Business | The Guardian

HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions | Business | The Guardian http:// /business/2015/ feb /08/ hsbc-files-expose-swiss-bank-clients-dodge-taxes-hide-millions

Banking Giant HSBC Sheltered Murky Cash Linked to Dictators and Arms Dealers | International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Banking Giant HSBC Sheltered Murky Cash Linked to Dictators and Arms Dealers | International Consortium of Investigative Journalists http:// /project/ swiss-leaks / banking-giant-hsbc-sheltered-murky-cash-linked-dictators-and-arms-de alers

Avaaz - End the global tax scam

Avaaz - End the global tax scam https :// / en / hsbc _3/? bBNJwbb &v=5356 2

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: The Supreme Court of Canada has decided not to protect people from assisted suicide.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: The Supreme Court of Canada has decided not to protect people from assisted suicide.

Supreme Court of Canada rules: doctor-assisted suicide ban unconstitutional | CTV News

Supreme Court of Canada rules: doctor-assisted suicide ban unconstitutional | CTV News   Tweets by @bordode

A Very Troubling Decision Today by the Supreme Court Of Canada; to Allow Assisted Suicide, It puts Many in Potential Serious Risk & You Should be Concerned!

A Very Troubling Decision Today by the Supreme Court Of Canada; to Allow Assisted Suicide, It puts Many in Potential Serious Risk & You Should be Concerned! Yes, you should be worried and you should write to your MP to get assurances that necessary protections from abuse are put into place. Today’s Supreme court decision in Canada: Very alarming for disability groups, seniors, the mentally ill and the poor. whom are compromised and may be coerced by individuals, organizations, institutions directly or indirectly that have financial stakes i.e. tasked for savings on services,  inheritances, monies on care to be saved, not providing adequate care or surgeries, have a stake in organ harvesting and forcing individuals to the breaking point, and bringing this up as an option; or altogether just ultimately, without adequate details written in the law, doctors could use the mental health act declaring the individual not capable to make the decision and doing unauthorized...

The Québec government passed euthanasia Bill 52. Urge Peter MacKay to act by bringing an injunction against euthanasia Bill 52 and by asking the court to strike down the bill as unconstitutional.

The Québec government passed euthanasia Bill 52. Urge Peter MacKay to act by bringing an injunction against euthanasia Bill 52 and by asking the court to strike down the bill as unconstitutional. .... -new-calculation-predicts-hundreds-of-billions-of-earth like planets

THINK STOP SILENCE : International Criminal Court (ICC) (g) "Persecution" means the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity;

THINK STOP SILENCE : International Criminal Court (ICC) (g) "Persecution" means the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity;

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Let’s not forget the lessons of history and the leading role doctors played in holocaust

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Let’s not forget the lessons of history and the leading role doctors played in holocaust

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Jewish leader condemns Scottish assisted suicide bill.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Jewish leader condemns Scottish assisted suicide bill.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Dutch “Better Killed than Disabled” Bigotry

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Dutch “Better Killed than Disabled” Bigotry

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Supreme Court to release assisted suicide decision on Friday.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Supreme Court to release assisted suicide decision on Friday.

Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Supreme Court to release assisted suicide decision on Friday.

Overview of the Human Rights Framework IJRC WHAT ARE HUMAN RIGHTS? Human rights are those activities, conditions, and freedoms that all human beings are entitled to enjoy, by virtue of their humanity. They include civil, political, economic,...