A Very Troubling Decision Today by the Supreme Court Of Canada; to Allow Assisted Suicide, It puts Many in Potential Serious Risk & You Should be Concerned!
A Very Troubling Decision Today by the Supreme Court Of Canada; to Allow Assisted Suicide, It puts Many in Potential Serious Risk & You Should be Concerned!
Yes, you should be worried and you should write to your MP to get assurances that necessary protections from abuse are put into place.
Today’s Supreme court decision in Canada:
Very alarming for disability groups, seniors, the mentally ill and the poor. whom are compromised and may be coerced by individuals, organizations, institutions directly or indirectly that have financial stakes i.e. tasked for savings on services, inheritances, monies on care to be saved, not providing adequate care or surgeries, have a stake in organ harvesting and forcing individuals to the breaking point, and bringing this up as an option; or altogether just ultimately, without adequate details written in the law, doctors could use the mental health act declaring the individual not capable to make the decision and doing unauthorized euthanasia.
The law needs to be written and administered in such a fashion to protect the public from certain abuse that is inevitable.
Instead of earning a Right protection, the public is in peril, if this law is not written in such a way to overlook and monitor each case and every case by third parties, to enable the protections for people from getting abused in the most serious fashion, and the penalty of the abuse is the loss of their life.
Remember that inaction encourages further abuse, report all abuses! Reporting Human Rights’ Abuses and Psychiatric Abuse
Here are come ways to take action:
How to Report Violations & Abuses, Human Rights Watch, Action Center, Amnesty International: United for Human Rights
Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR – Nonprofit Mental Health Watchdog
Remember that inaction encourages further abuse, report all abuses!
Tweets by @bordode