RT @MorganeOgerBC: So nice to see Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Vancouver Hastings MLA @ShaneLSimpson today on Commercial. Inclusive, supportive, equitable public education is widely recognized to lift people out of poverty. #vanpoli #bced #vsb39 #PR4BC. @VESTA39 @vsta392 http://bit.ly/2QmvnUb
So nice to see Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Vancouver Hastings MLA @ShaneLSimpson today on Commercial.
— Morgane Oger - Candidate for VSB (@MorganeOgerBC) September 30, 2018
Inclusive, supportive, equitable public education is widely recognized to lift people out of poverty. #vanpoli #bced #vsb39 #PR4BC. @VESTA39 @vsta392 pic.twitter.com/Sn3AyHudfu
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