
Showing posts from November, 2018

The latest Human Rights' Inalienable Rights for "All"! #vancouver #transphobia

The latest Human Rights' Inalienable Rights for "All"! #vancouver #transphobia — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Hey ThePerspectivePad(@PerspectivesPad), thank you for following me

Hey ThePerspectivePad( @PerspectivesPad ), thank you for following me — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

theweek - Trump just okayed seismic oil tests that could kill thousands of marine animals

theweek - Trump just okayed seismic oil tests that could kill thousands of marine animals — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

My week on Twitter 🎉: 12 Mentions, 1.47K Mention Reach, 25 Likes, 78 Retweets, 142K Retweet Reach. See yours with

My week on Twitter 🎉: 12 Mentions, 1.47K Mention Reach, 25 Likes, 78 Retweets, 142K Retweet Reach. See yours with — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Hey Baymen(@spsobmh), thank you for following me

Hey Baymen( @spsobmh ), thank you for following me — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar An example of issue 2. FGM is common in Muslim culture in many African and Middle Eastern Nations. I believe it's a violent and oppressive act toward women who live there. However, if I speak out ag…

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar An example of issue 2. FGM is common in Muslim culture in many African and Middle Eastern Nations. I believe it's a violent and oppressive act toward women who live there. However, if I speak out ag… — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar Thanks for taking the time to reply! Two issues. 1. What happens when government uses hate speech law to shut down policy criticisms. See migration speech video I posted to you earlier. 2. How can …

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar Thanks for taking the time to reply! Two issues. 1. What happens when government uses hate speech law to shut down policy criticisms. See migration speech video I posted to you earlier. 2. How can … — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

@VPL @MorganeOgerBC @JustinTrudeau @R_Boissonnault @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @free_equal @charles_rad @CdnHumanRights

@MorganeOgerBC @JustinTrudeau @R_Boissonnault @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @free_equal @charles_rad @CdnHumanRights — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

RT @VPL: Statement regarding Feminist Current Event This is not a VPL endorsed event. It is a room rental. While we don’t agree with the views of Feminist Current, we are committed to upholding free speech and intellectual freedom. Statement here:

Statement regarding Feminist Current Event This is not a VPL endorsed event. It is a room rental. While we don’t agree with the views of Feminist Current, we are committed to upholding free speech and intellectual freedom. Statement here: — Vancouver Public Lib (@VPL) November 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @witnessorg: Grateful to @mozilla for supporting Gabriela’s fellowship with us!

Grateful to @mozilla for supporting Gabriela’s fellowship with us! — WITNESS (@witnessorg) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @theJagmeetSingh: Climate change is the single greatest threat we face & Canada is failing to do its part. Today I signed the Pact For The Transition & added my voice to the pledge signed by more than 240k people for real action on #ClimateChange. Read & sign The Pact here:

Climate change is the single greatest threat we face & Canada is failing to do its part. Today I signed the Pact For The Transition & added my voice to the pledge signed by more than 240k people for real action on #ClimateChange . Read & sign The Pact here: — Jagmeet Singh (@theJagmeetSingh) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @LambdaLegal: BIG NEWS: @SenatorTimScott says he will oppose @realDonaldTrump's extreme judicial nominee Thomas Farr, bringing the total "no" count to 51 senators! Farr is best known for defending racial gerrymandering & voter suppression in North Carolina. #StopFarr

BIG NEWS: @SenatorTimScott says he will oppose @realDonaldTrump 's extreme judicial nominee Thomas Farr, bringing the total "no" count to 51 senators! Farr is best known for defending racial gerrymandering & voter suppression in North Carolina. #StopFarr — Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

@GideonIsmail @UNHumanRights @HRC @CdnHumanRights @HoudartUN @MorganeOgerBC

@UNHumanRights @HRC @CdnHumanRights @HoudartUN @MorganeOgerBC — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

RT @GideonIsmail: Free speech doesn't equal hate speech and MM regularly writes transphobic articles and demonizes us. How isn't that hate speech and breaking the BC Humans Rights Code?

Free speech doesn't equal hate speech and MM regularly writes transphobic articles and demonizes us. How isn't that hate speech and breaking the BC Humans Rights Code? — Gideon 🏳️‍🌈 (@GideonIsmail) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @LotteLeicht1: #Argentina's President says accusations against #SaudiArabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman relating to war crimes and the murder of journalist #JamalKhashoggi may be discussed during #G20Argentina summit.

#Argentina 's President says accusations against #SaudiArabia 's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman relating to war crimes and the murder of journalist #JamalKhashoggi may be discussed during #G20Argentina summit. — Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @erwinverb: Notes from the #AMIA18 Preserving Atrocity panel are here: with archivists from @UNHumanright @witnessorg @PRSRV_UCLA

Notes from the #AMIA18 Preserving Atrocity panel are here: with archivists from @UNHumanright @witnessorg @PRSRV_UCLA — Erwin Verbruggen (@erwinverb) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @YVRTenantsUnion: Tune in to @CKNW right now to catch Berkeley tower tenant Andre face off against his own renovictor John Stovell - how is it that the loudest voices calling to oppose Motion B10 to #StopRenovictions are also the landlords trying to empty their buildings 🤔

Tune in to @CKNW right now to catch Berkeley tower tenant Andre face off against his own renovictor John Stovell - how is it that the loudest voices calling to oppose Motion B10 to #StopRenovictions are also the landlords trying to empty their buildings 🤔 — Vancouver Tenants Union (@YVRTenantsUnion) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @scottfraserndp: In Vancouver with @jjhorgan, my government colleagues and First Nations leaders from all parts of BC to discuss what we’ve achieved in our first year and what still needs to be done. Reconciliation is a road we’re walking together. #FNLG2018 @FNSummit @UBCIC @BCAFN

In Vancouver with @jjhorgan , my government colleagues and First Nations leaders from all parts of BC to discuss what we’ve achieved in our first year and what still needs to be done. Reconciliation is a road we’re walking together. #FNLG2018 @FNSummit @UBCIC @BCAFN — Scott Fraser (@scottfraserndp) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

@JamesRusselforc @MorganeOgerBC @TorontoStar The #humanrights codes, #universalhumanrightsdeclarations that countries are parti to, and #hatespeech laws apply: for all protected grounds within said ... Thus this should answer you question. #Freespeech is allowed, as long as you do not infringe the dignity of others.

The #humanrights codes, #universalhumanrightsdeclarations that countries are parti to, and #hatespeech laws apply: for all protected grounds within said ... Thus this should answer you question. #Freespeech is allowed, as long as you do not infringe the dignity of others. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 1, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar All groups? Can we imprison people for saying they hate lawyers for example? How about hate for Iowans? People from Chicago? Where is the line? Someone has to make that decision. Who can we trust en…

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar All groups? Can we imprison people for saying they hate lawyers for example? How about hate for Iowans? People from Chicago? Where is the line? Someone has to make that decision. Who can we trust en… — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

NASA Awards Optical Telescope Assembly for Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Mission via NASA

NASA Awards Optical Telescope Assembly for Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Mission via NASA — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL @JustinTrudeau @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp A anti-#bias bill; protects #LGBTQIA from Conscious & Unconscious #bias & #HateCrime practices; that moved underground; shld include: Mandatory #Bias #HumanRights training for all Public and Private Institutions, Corporations w/ man. compliance reviews.

A anti- #bias bill; protects #LGBTQIA from Conscious & Unconscious #bias & #HateCrime practices; that moved underground; shld include: Mandatory #Bias #HumanRights training for all Public and Private Institutions, Corporations w/ man. compliance reviews. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

@MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL @JustinTrudeau @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp A anti-#bias bill; protects #LGBTQIA from Conscious & Unconscious #bias & #HateCrime practices; that moved underground; shld include: Mandatory #Bias #HumanRights training for all Public and Private Institutions, Corporations w/ man. compliance reviews.

A anti- #bias bill; protects #LGBTQIA from Conscious & Unconscious #bias & #HateCrime practices; that moved underground; shld include: Mandatory #Bias #HumanRights training for all Public and Private Institutions, Corporations w/ man. compliance reviews. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL @JustinTrudeau @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp "Anti-Bias' "Bill with civil & criminal penalties; would mean to Citizens "A Equality Bill' esp. Important for marginalized: #LGBTQIA #Racialized #Disabled #Ageded #Homeless Bias' is discrimination leads to right denials & atrocities.

"Anti-Bias' "Bill with civil & criminal penalties; would mean to Citizens "A Equality Bill' esp. Important for marginalized: #LGBTQIA #Racialized #Disabled #Ageded #Homeless Bias' is discrimination leads to right denials & atrocities. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL This is unbelievable and totaly unacceptable. @JustinTrudeau ... #HateIsNotCanada , but how does a public institutioion host this event? @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp

This is unbelievable and totaly unacceptable. @JustinTrudeau ... #HateIsNotCanada , but how does a public institutioion host this event? @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @free_equal @UN @antonioguterres You should also table a anti-#bias bill to #LGBTQIA from Conscious & Unconscious #bias & #HateCrime practices, also that moved underground; that includes: Mandatory #Bias #HumanRights training for all Public and Private Institutions, Corporations etc. w/ man. compliance reviews

You should also table a anti- #bias bill to #LGBTQIA from Conscious & Unconscious #bias & #HateCrime practices, also that moved underground; that includes: Mandatory #Bias #HumanRights training for all Public and Private Institutions, Corporations etc. w/ man. compliance reviews — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 15, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: This is societal issues ! #LGBTQIA are still treated badly everywhere. How do we fix this? You fix it with mandatory forward, covert, silent, unconscious anti-bias training, with compliance reviews & sign it into law.

This is societal issues ! #LGBTQIA are still treated badly everywhere. How do we fix this? You fix it with mandatory forward, covert, silent, unconscious anti-bias training, with compliance reviews & sign it into law. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 13, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: HATE / BIAS CRIME Have you been the victim of a hate/bias crime?   Please click link to #ReportHate Hate Crimes

HATE / BIAS CRIME Have you been the victim of a hate/bias crime?   Please click link to  #ReportHate Hate Crimes — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Do you have the Courage to Stop even silent unconscious bias', bigotry & hate..This may be happening, not in a distant land, or a few miles away…In front of you. If you see something, do something ! Be A Hero, Have Courage.

Do you have the Courage to Stop even silent unconscious bias', bigotry & hate..This may be happening, not in a distant land, or a few miles away…In front of you. If you see something, do something ! Be A Hero, Have Courage. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 12, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Hate crime laws require law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute crimes committed with bias against LGBT people.

Hate crime laws require law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute crimes committed with bias against LGBT people. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 12, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Where does anti-LGBT bias come from – and how does it translate into violence? via @TC_Africa

Where does anti-LGBT bias come from – and how does it translate into violence? via @TC_Africa — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 12, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crimeor bias crime) is a prejudice-motivated crimewhich occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.

A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crimeor bias crime) is a prejudice-motivated crimewhich occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter


@JustinTrudeau — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @theJagmeetSingh @jjhorgan @DarcyJudy @MorganeOgerBC @R_Boissonnault Canada needs Anit-Bias', Anti-Bullying #hate-crime criminators legislation ... #humanrights protections are usually victim complaint based ... Usually people don't take on the fight ...

@theJagmeetSingh @jjhorgan @DarcyJudy @MorganeOgerBC @R_Boissonnault Canada needs Anit-Bias', Anti-Bullying #hate -crime criminators legislation ... #humanrights protections are usually victim complaint based ... Usually people don't take on the fight ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Genocide Prevention, "Anti-Bias' "Bill with civil & criminal penalties; would mean to Citizens "A Equality Bill' esp. Important for marginalized: #LGBTQIA #Racialized #Disabled #Ageded #Homeless Bias' is discrimination leads to right denials & atrocities.

Genocide Prevention, "Anti-Bias' "Bill with civil & criminal penalties; would mean to Citizens "A Equality Bill' esp. Important for marginalized: #LGBTQIA #Racialized #Disabled #Ageded #Homeless Bias' is discrimination leads to right denials & atrocities. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 17, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: This is societal issues ! #LGBTQIA are still treated badly everywhere, and yes it worse when the protectors participate ... How do we fix this? You fix it with mandatory forward, covert, silent, unconscious anti-bias training, with compliance reviews,

This is societal issues ! #LGBTQIA are still treated badly everywhere, and yes it worse when the protectors participate ... How do we fix this? You fix it with mandatory forward, covert, silent, unconscious anti-bias training, with compliance reviews, — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: What studies/stats have been done to ensure these bias' hate crimes are not still happening, but underground now?? ... 'Our collective shame': Trudeau delivers historic apology to LGBT Canadians @R_Boissonnault @MorganeOgerBC @HoudartUN @PeterTatchell

What studies/stats have been done to ensure these bias' hate crimes are not still happening, but underground now?? ... 'Our collective shame': Trudeau delivers historic apology to LGBT Canadians @R_Boissonnault @MorganeOgerBC @HoudartUN @PeterTatchell — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Canada needs Anit-Bias', Anti-Bullying #hate-crime criminators legislation ... #humanrights protections are usually victim complaint based ... Usually people don't take on the fight ...

Canada needs Anit-Bias', Anti-Bullying #hate -crime criminators legislation ... #humanrights protections are usually victim complaint based ... Usually people don't take on the fight ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 14, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Kudos to @Starbucks taking the bold step to close stores for anti bias training ... @HRDWorldSummit #HumanRights laws are complaint based, lack teeth .. Many will not take on the fight. Anti bias laws than entail training and compliance reviews will help close the justice gap.

Kudos to @Starbucks taking the bold step to close stores for anti bias training ... @HRDWorldSummit #HumanRights laws are complaint based, lack teeth .. Many will not take on the fight. Anti bias laws than entail training and compliance reviews will help close the justice gap. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Buddiness, Group and Institutional Silent Councious and Unconscious Bias', is the most Incidious Hate that includes: mobbing, cover-ups etc., if not stopped, because NO one speaks up, thus joins in. #stophate #justicematters #HumanRights #lgbt #lgbtq #trans

Buddiness, Group and Institutional Silent Councious and Unconscious Bias', is the most Incidious Hate that includes: mobbing, cover-ups etc., if not stopped, because NO one speaks up, thus joins in. #stophate #justicematters #HumanRights #lgbt #lgbtq #trans — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 12, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Don't forget the non- acceptance and criminalization ...Yet the community still reals in all walks of life from #profiling , #bias', #Discrimination , #hate ... Separation build walls ... Coming together in dialogue should help over come some of this ...

Don't forget the non- acceptance and criminalization ...Yet the community still reals in all walks of life from #profiling , #bias ', #Discrimination , #hate ... Separation build walls ... Coming together in dialogue should help over come some of this ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Hate Crimes Targeting LGBT Community Remain Most Violent in Canada - The bias' motivator #HateCrimes against #LGBTQIA take many forms from: conscious, unconscious, overt, covert, direct bias' discrimination that includes: Right denials in many forms

Hate Crimes Targeting LGBT Community Remain Most Violent in Canada - The bias' motivator #HateCrimes against #LGBTQIA take many forms from: conscious, unconscious, overt, covert, direct bias' discrimination that includes: Right denials in many forms — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 12, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: Disproportionately needs to be erased ... This means: Stiff penalties for anti #LGBTI activities.. #bullying #hatecrime #harrassment #intimidation #bias #dispirportionatetreatment Ensuring public services and institutions are completely free of such covert or overt activities.

Disproportionately needs to be erased ... This means: Stiff penalties for anti #LGBTI activities.. #bullying #hatecrime #harrassment #intimidation #bias #dispirportionatetreatment Ensuring public services and institutions are completely free of such covert or overt activities. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 17, 2018 from Twitter

@MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL @JustinTrudeau @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp "Anti-Bias' "Bill with civil & criminal penalties; would mean to Citizens "A Equality Bill' esp. Important for marginalized: #LGBTQIA #Racialized #Disabled #Ageded #Homeless Bias' is discrimination leads to right denials & atrocities.

"Anti-Bias' "Bill with civil & criminal penalties; would mean to Citizens "A Equality Bill' esp. Important for marginalized: #LGBTQIA #Racialized #Disabled #Ageded #Homeless Bias' is discrimination leads to right denials & atrocities. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @Starbucks A good 1st step addressing silent bias' & #HumanRights schools, universities, colleges, public & private institutions, Govts should follow @Starbucks thats absolutely right to proceed, compliance and monitoring reviews shld be included.

@Starbucks A good 1st step addressing silent bias' & #HumanRights schools, universities, colleges, public & private institutions, Govts should follow @Starbucks thats absolutely right to proceed, compliance and monitoring reviews shld be included. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 11, 2018 from Twitter

@MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL This is unbelievable and totaly unacceptable. @JustinTrudeau ... #HateIsNotCanada , but how does a public institutioion host this event? @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp

This is unbelievable and totaly unacceptable. @JustinTrudeau ... #HateIsNotCanada , but how does a public institutioion host this event? @R_Boissonnault @HoudartUN @charles_rad @cafreeland @free_equal @PinkNews @HRC @UNHumanRights @psacnat @psacbc @jjhorgan @bcndp — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @DeidreLOlsen: Please stop writing articles about cishets being queer icons. Please stop giving platforms to queer and trans people who only care about their personal brands and capitalist profit. Please stop commodifying queer visibility through the aestheticization of identity.

Please stop writing articles about cishets being queer icons. Please stop giving platforms to queer and trans people who only care about their personal brands and capitalist profit. Please stop commodifying queer visibility through the aestheticization of identity. — deidre olsen (@DeidreLOlsen) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @bctf: @VPL Public institutions should not hosting events or renting space where speakers promote hate against any group of people protected under the BC Human Rights Code. Public libraries, like public schools, must be safe inclusive spaces for all - including trans youth and adults.

Public institutions should not hosting events or renting space where speakers promote hate against any group of people protected under the BC Human Rights Code. Public libraries, like public schools, must be safe inclusive spaces for all - including trans youth and adults. — BCTF (@bctf) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: The VPL is feeling pressure to cancel a January event featuring a writer who doesn't recognize transgender rights via @NEWS1130

The VPL is feeling pressure to cancel a January event featuring a writer who doesn't recognize transgender rights via @NEWS1130 — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: Our beloved #Vancouver Public Library is a curated space when it comes to promoting white supremacy or Christian supremacy. How is it a neutral space when it comes to promoting #transphobia, @kennedystewart and @MitziDeanBC? #vanpoli #humanrights @VPL

Our beloved #Vancouver Public Library is a curated space when it comes to promoting white supremacy or Christian supremacy. How is it a neutral space when it comes to promoting #transphobia , @kennedystewart and @MitziDeanBC ? #vanpoli #humanrights @VPL — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @clayresessoms: I’m deeply disappointed in my public library’s continuing open invitation to give voice or rent space to trans-exclusive radical feminists, especially those who have been unapologetically vocal in the disregard for my basic human rights. Shame on you, @VPL. #TransWomenareWomen

I’m deeply disappointed in my public library’s continuing open invitation to give voice or rent space to trans-exclusive radical feminists, especially those who have been unapologetically vocal in the disregard for my basic human rights. Shame on you, @VPL . #TransWomenareWomen — Clayre (@clayresessoms) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @cate_jenkins: I’m not sure that @VPL recognizes that free speech becomes hate speech fast, and often starts with dog whistles. Your ability to swing your fists ends at my nose. #bcpoli #vanpoli

I’m not sure that @VPL recognizes that free speech becomes hate speech fast, and often starts with dog whistles. Your ability to swing your fists ends at my nose. #bcpoli #vanpoli — Catherine Jenkins (@cate_jenkins) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MavenOfMayhem: Your staff called a trans girl “sir”. They broke into a stall while her pants were down & she was sitting on the toilet, misgendered her & escorted her out of the school. No matter what lead up to this, what happened was not in line with the “inclusion” claimed in this statement.

Your staff called a trans girl “sir”. They broke into a stall while her pants were down & she was sitting on the toilet, misgendered her & escorted her out of the school. No matter what lead up to this, what happened was not in line with the “inclusion” claimed in this statement. — Amanda Jette Knox (@MavenOfMayhem) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @FACEofBC: @cate_jenkins @VPL @VancouverPD Hi Catherine. Here is the event that we were trying to plan and book at VPL that started the debate. We'd love to see you there to raise this in person. Thanks for your tweet.

Hi Catherine. Here is the event that we were trying to plan and book at VPL that started the debate. We'd love to see you there to raise this in person. Thanks for your tweet. — FACE BC (@FACEofBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

@MorganeOgerBC @CUPE4627 @CUPEBC @VPL @cupenat @bcfed @CanadianLabour

@cupenat @bcfed @CanadianLabour — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: Hey @CUPE4627, what are your thoughts on employers demanding @CUPEBC members participate in organizing events that advocate for discrimination against them or their colleagues, for example at @VPL? In solidarity, M

Hey @CUPE4627 , what are your thoughts on employers demanding @CUPEBC members participate in organizing events that advocate for discrimination against them or their colleagues, for example at @VPL ? In solidarity, M — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: I can not agree enough with Patti Bacchus on this.

I can not agree enough with Patti Bacchus on this. — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: The VPL is feeling pressure to cancel a January event featuring a writer who doesn't recognize transgender rights via @NEWS1130

The VPL is feeling pressure to cancel a January event featuring a writer who doesn't recognize transgender rights via @NEWS1130 — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @SatterthwaiteML: Truly inspiring to see local activists standing up against #torture and the role of members of their local community in the extraordinary rendition program

Truly inspiring to see local activists standing up against #torture and the role of members of their local community in the extraordinary rendition program — ML Satterthwaite (@SatterthwaiteML) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @SatterthwaiteML: New: Rendition Revisited--Part one of a series by @AJEnglish exploring the role of North Carolina in the extraordinary rendition program, home of airplanes that took @nyu_gjc client from Jordan to black site in Afghanistan

New: Rendition Revisited--Part one of a series by @AJEnglish exploring the role of North Carolina in the extraordinary rendition program, home of airplanes that took @nyu_gjc client from Jordan to black site in Afghanistan — ML Satterthwaite (@SatterthwaiteML) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @JamesRusselforc @MorganeOgerBC @TorontoStar Freespeech has its limits in any democracy and does not allow the promotion of hate and/or marginialization of others groups in any shape or form. @MorganeOgerBC ...

Freespeech has its limits in any democracy and does not allow the promotion of hate and/or marginialization of others groups in any shape or form. @MorganeOgerBC ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

@JamesRusselforc @MorganeOgerBC @TorontoStar Freespeech has its limits in any democracy and does not allow the promotion of hate and/or marginialization of others groups in any shape or form. @MorganeOgerBC ...

Freespeech has its limits in any democracy and does not allow the promotion of hate and/or marginialization of others groups in any shape or form. @MorganeOgerBC ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MeanwhileinCana: If Crown Prince MBS isn't on the list of those Saudi nationals who are being sanctioned for murdering Jamal Khashoggi by Canada - then it's any empty gesture. #cdnpoli #ThursdayThoughts

If Crown Prince MBS isn't on the list of those Saudi nationals who are being sanctioned for murdering Jamal Khashoggi by Canada - then it's any empty gesture. #cdnpoli #ThursdayThoughts — Meanwhile in Canada (@MeanwhileinCana) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MeanwhileinCana: @cafreeland Make it meaningful and add MBS to that list. The CIA has been clear that he ordered it. I'm sure our intelligence has come to the same conclusion.

Make it meaningful and add MBS to that list. The CIA has been clear that he ordered it. I'm sure our intelligence has come to the same conclusion. — Meanwhile in Canada (@MeanwhileinCana) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @cafreeland: 2/2 Today, Canada is imposing targeted sanctions -- under our Magnitsky legislation – against 17 individuals who, according to our government, are responsible for or complicit in the extrajudicial and extraterritorial killing of Mr. Khashoggi.

2/2 Today, Canada is imposing targeted sanctions -- under our Magnitsky legislation – against 17 individuals who, according to our government, are responsible for or complicit in the extrajudicial and extraterritorial killing of Mr. Khashoggi. — Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

The latest Human Rights' Inalienable Rights for "All"! #prorep #lgbtq2

The latest Human Rights' Inalienable Rights for "All"! #prorep #lgbtq2 — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat

Thanks for the mention JamesRusselforc. #bhivechat — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar Thats an actual thing thats being proposed right now.

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar Thats an actual thing thats being proposed right now. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar While it's awful, it is free speech. If not, the definition of "hate speech" keeps expanding. Before you know it a talk show host is facing charges when someone on their show says mass immigration is…

Thanks for the mention! JamesRusselforc: CHPSRE MorganeOgerBC TorontoStar While it's awful, it is free speech. If not, the definition of "hate speech" keeps expanding. Before you know it a talk show host is facing charges when someone on their show says mass immigration is… — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

The latest Human Rights' Inalienable Rights for "All"! Thanks to @SatterthwaiteML @civilrightsorg #stopfarr

The latest Human Rights' Inalienable Rights for "All"! Thanks to @SatterthwaiteML @civilrightsorg #stopfarr — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Hey Luke LeBrun(@_llebrun), thank you for following me

Hey Luke LeBrun( @_llebrun ), thank you for following me — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

Hey Josh Daspit(@JoshDaspit), thank you for following me

Hey Josh Daspit( @JoshDaspit ), thank you for following me — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @pressprogress: VIDEO: BC Liberal MLA claims LGBTQ anti-bullying program could cause “mental health issues” for school children #bcpoli #bced #sogi123

VIDEO: BC Liberal MLA claims LGBTQ anti-bullying program could cause “mental health issues” for school children #bcpoli #bced #sogi123 — PressProgress (@pressprogress) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: Why I support #ProRep: People like @LaurieThroness, who panders to under-informed people harbouring deeply-held biases would be less likely to be elected... Is he lying or does he really believe #LGBTQ2+ Anti-Bullying Programs lead to self harm?

Why I support #ProRep : People like @LaurieThroness , who panders to under-informed people harbouring deeply-held biases would be less likely to be elected... Is he lying or does he really believe #LGBTQ2 + Anti-Bullying Programs lead to self harm? — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @MorganeOgerBC @TorontoStar It is absolutely reprehensible that the Vancouver Public Library will not cancel this event. Hate is not freespeech.

It is absolutely reprehensible that the Vancouver Public Library will not cancel this event. Hate is not freespeech. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

@MorganeOgerBC @TorontoStar It is absolutely reprehensible that the Vancouver Public Library will not cancel this event. Hate is not freespeech.

It is absolutely reprehensible that the Vancouver Public Library will not cancel this event. Hate is not freespeech. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: So far Murphy has an unblemished record of making false statements about transgender people and outright ignoring B.C. values and Canadian law when it comes to respecting the identity of people. via @torontostar

So far Murphy has an unblemished record of making false statements about transgender people and outright ignoring B.C. values and Canadian law when it comes to respecting the identity of people. via @torontostar — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @MorganeOgerBC: Today is #GivingTuesday. If you support the human rights work I do, please consider giving to the Morgane Oger Foundation, which works to narrow the gap between our human rights laws and lived reality experienced on the ground.

Today is #GivingTuesday . If you support the human rights work I do, please consider giving to the Morgane Oger Foundation, which works to narrow the gap between our human rights laws and lived reality experienced on the ground. — Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @interACT_adv: Thanks to everyone who showed up for #intersex people by RTing and reading our perspectives on #WontBeErased. Hope to see you online for #IntersexAwarenessDay this Friday 10/26!

Thanks to everyone who showed up for #intersex people by RTing and reading our perspectives on #WontBeErased . Hope to see you online for #IntersexAwarenessDay this Friday 10/26! — interACT (@interACT_adv) October 23, 2018 from Twitter

RT @interACT_adv: “This administration’s stance regarding discontinuation of gender marker changes is violence against transgender and intersex communities." - Robyn, #intersex and #trans youth advocate #WontBeErased

“This administration’s stance regarding discontinuation of gender marker changes is violence against transgender and intersex communities." - Robyn, #intersex and #trans youth advocate #WontBeErased — interACT (@interACT_adv) October 22, 2018 from Twitter

RT @interACT_adv: “Any quest to define a bodily ‘marker’ to categorize and control marginalized sex, gender, and sexuality identities is not only false science, but fundamentally dangerous." #Intersex people #WontBeErased

“Any quest to define a bodily ‘marker’ to categorize and control marginalized sex, gender, and sexuality identities is not only false science, but fundamentally dangerous." #Intersex people #WontBeErased — interACT (@interACT_adv) October 22, 2018 from Twitter

RT @interACT_adv: “Intersex people have historically been erased by unnecessary shame, stigma and non-consensual medical intervention. We’re speaking out and fighting back, and today louder than ever and in solidarity with our trans and gender non-conforming peers.” @XOXYKZ #WontBeErased

“Intersex people have historically been erased by unnecessary shame, stigma and non-consensual medical intervention. We’re speaking out and fighting back, and today louder than ever and in solidarity with our trans and gender non-conforming peers.” @XOXYKZ #WontBeErased — interACT (@interACT_adv) October 22, 2018 from Twitter

RT @interACT_adv: #Intersex people #WontBeErased. Include us in the conversation, too. Read and share our statement fact sheet on how this news affects the intersex community. 👉 PDF here: We're here to resist in solidarity with our trans and GNC family.

#Intersex people #WontBeErased . Include us in the conversation, too. Read and share our statement fact sheet on how this news affects the intersex community. 👉 PDF here: We're here to resist in solidarity with our trans and GNC family. — interACT (@interACT_adv) October 22, 2018 from Twitter

My week on Twitter 🎉: 10 Mentions, 1.47K Mention Reach, 19 Likes, 50 Retweets, 97.7K Retweet Reach. See yours with

My week on Twitter 🎉: 10 Mentions, 1.47K Mention Reach, 19 Likes, 50 Retweets, 97.7K Retweet Reach. See yours with — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 30, 2018 from Twitter

RT @FrontLineHRD: Aujourd'hui, #WHRD Fatouma Harber (@Fatittystar) reprend notre compte twitter pour le #WHRDTakeover de @FrontLineHRD. Suivez ce tag pour entendre les voix des WHRDs du monde entier lors de la Journée Internationale des Défenseuses des Droits Humains. #WHRDDay

Aujourd'hui, #WHRD Fatouma Harber ( @Fatittystar ) reprend notre compte twitter pour le #WHRDTakeover de @FrontLineHRD . Suivez ce tag pour entendre les voix des WHRDs du monde entier lors de la Journée Internationale des Défenseuses des Droits Humains. #WHRDDay — Front Line Defenders (@FrontLineHRD) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @PinkNews: "Homosexuality existed long before colonialism or the missionaries arrived on the shores of Africa."

"Homosexuality existed long before colonialism or the missionaries arrived on the shores of Africa." — PinkNews (@PinkNews) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @LSEInequalities: New report by @OECD With Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi & Martine Durand, who “show how how over-reliance on #GDP as the yardstick of #economic performance misled #policy makers who did not see the 2008 #crisis coming.”

New report by @OECD With Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi & Martine Durand, who “show how how over-reliance on #GDP as the yardstick of #economic performance misled #policy makers who did not see the 2008 #crisis coming.” — LSE Inequalities (@LSEInequalities) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @privacyint: Unregulated intelligence sharing poses substantive risks to human rights and to the democratic rule of law

Unregulated intelligence sharing poses substantive risks to human rights and to the democratic rule of law — Privacy International (@privacyint) November 25, 2018 from Twitter

RT @SophieHRW: Uh oh...

Uh oh... — Sophie Richardson (@SophieHRW) November 29, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @bccla @JustinTrudeau @fidh_en @hrw @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt @KenRoth @JeremyJLaurence @OHCHR_Pacific @ohchr_ar @nthomson2 @MHCC_ @Malala @HoudartUN @MorganeOgerBC @PeterTatchell @R_Boissonnault @charles_rad @UNHumanRights @MurrayRankin @amnesty @ISHRglobal @HRDWorldSummit @FrontLineHRD @PovReductionBC @pivotlegal @pressfreedom @InclusionBC @DignityForAllCA @DisabAllianceBC @PinkNews @HRC @witnessorg @eyewitnessorg @ijrcenter

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RT @CHPSRE: @bccla @JustinTrudeau @fidh_en @hrw @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt @KenRoth @JeremyJLaurence @OHCHR_Pacific @ohchr_ar @nthomson2 @MHCC_ @Malala @HoudartUN @MorganeOgerBC @PeterTatchell @R_Boissonnault @charles_rad For that matter, could be used to silence anyone #HumanRightsDefenders @IntlCrimCourt @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @MurrayRankin @R_Boissonnault @MorganeOgerBC @PeterTatchell @amnesty @hrw @fidh_en @ISHRglobal @HRDWorldSummit @FrontLineHRD @PovReductionBC @pivotlegal

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RT @CHPSRE: @bccla @JustinTrudeau @fidh_en @hrw @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt @KenRoth @JeremyJLaurence @OHCHR_Pacific @ohchr_ar @nthomson2 @MHCC_ @Malala @HoudartUN @MorganeOgerBC @PeterTatchell @R_Boissonnault We wouldn't think twice that these direlict law would be used against #LGBTQIA would we?

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RT @CHPSRE: @bccla @JustinTrudeau @fidh_en @hrw @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt @KenRoth @JeremyJLaurence @OHCHR_Pacific @ohchr_ar @nthomson2 @MHCC_ @CHPSRE Rome Statute Part II Article 7 1) (k) (h) 2) (a) (e) (g) @hrw @IntlCrimCourt

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RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @zakkost He was trying to escape bullies, bakery refused entry .. And led to a empty jewelry store trap to seek shelter ... The likelihood of a orchestrated assassination needs to be investigated ...

He was trying to escape bullies, bakery refused entry .. And led to a empty jewelry store trap to seek shelter ... The likelihood of a orchestrated assassination needs to be investigated ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 9, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @zakkost The circumstances around the lynching and proceeding it, including bully standing by police later and planting incriminating evidence by 3rd attacker?, the knife? ... It certainly is showing hallmarks of a #humanrightsdefender #assasination ...

The circumstances around the lynching and proceeding it, including bully standing by police later and planting incriminating evidence by 3rd attacker?, the knife? ... It certainly is showing hallmarks of a #humanrightsdefender #assasination ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 9, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @zakkost There may of been intimidation, harassment, bullying, assaults, complaints prior ... Check with persons he knew ... Our investigation is finding such some of the indicators.

There may of been intimidation, harassment, bullying, assaults, complaints prior ... Check with persons he knew ... Our investigation is finding such some of the indicators. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 9, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka @pressfreedom @FrontLineHRD @fidh_en @ISHRglobal Many individuals took part ...

Many individuals took part ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka attacks & killings have a similarities everywhere. -Usually very brutal -Denied by state of private actors -Orchestrated +Very brutal hallmarks ...with elaborate planning and efforts, much funds expended to achieve

attacks & killings have a similarities everywhere. -Usually very brutal -Denied by state of private actors -Orchestrated +Very brutal hallmarks ...with elaborate planning and efforts, much funds expended to achieve — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka sufferers, could of been the Activism he was targeted for by private or public actors in collusion that formed and executed, this possible assassination, with markers below the surface, showing ... What may of happened here. These #humanrightsdefender

sufferers, could of been the Activism he was targeted for by private or public actors in collusion that formed and executed, this possible assassination, with markers below the surface, showing ... What may of happened here. These #humanrightsdefender — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka The attack resembles a brutally #humanrightadefenders #journalist #Trangender #LGBTQIA Brutal killing with the elements of hate (neo-nazi participated). It is very likely his AIDS activism and the cost of AIDS drugs of upwards of 10k yearly to maintain AIDS

The attack resembles a brutally #humanrightadefenders #journalist #Trangender #LGBTQIA Brutal killing with the elements of hate (neo-nazi participated). It is very likely his AIDS activism and the cost of AIDS drugs of upwards of 10k yearly to maintain AIDS — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka They knew their under attack. His #humanrights activities included #LGBTQIA & AIDS Activism. A very vocal, public figure online & within the community. Private or public actors may of elaborated and processed with the attack that led to his lynching ...

They knew their under attack. His #humanrights activities included #LGBTQIA & AIDS Activism. A very vocal, public figure online & within the community. Private or public actors may of elaborated and processed with the attack that led to his lynching ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka It seems this was a elaborate planned assassination, there may of been preludes of surveillance by public or private actors .. that he or others would of noticed, did he complained about ;human rights families of human rights defenders attacked report the same thing ...

It seems this was a elaborate planned assassination, there may of been preludes of surveillance by public or private actors .. that he or others would of noticed, did he complained about ;human rights families of human rights defenders attacked report the same thing ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @AnnaGiouleka: Re fatal attack to #ZakKostopoulos: The med examinations prove that Zak had made no use of drugs or alcohol on the day he was brutally killed. His murderers & the involved policemen and paramedics are free and on their positions #justice4zak

Re fatal attack to #ZakKostopoulos : The med examinations prove that Zak had made no use of drugs or alcohol on the day he was brutally killed. His murderers & the involved policemen and paramedics are free and on their positions #justice4zak — Anna Gkiouleka (@AnnaGiouleka) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @AnnaGiouleka Not only, derelictions of media reports, coroners report, smear campaign, he was pursued, refused entry in bakery, on of the people harassing, intimidating him: was standing by police afterwards. It seems he was led into a trap, if you will, a employ open store with locking door

Not only, derelictions of media reports, coroners report, smear campaign, he was pursued, refused entry in bakery, on of the people harassing, intimidating him: was standing by police afterwards. It seems he was led into a trap, if you will, a employ open store with locking door — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra Don't be too quick to blame the Police. The events that led to him seeking shelter: Pursued, Bullied, Bakery Refusing Entrance, Store left unattended, with locking door, a trap if you will, a fascists participation in the brutal lynching, On film, a bully seen next to Police,

Don't be too quick to blame the Police. The events that led to him seeking shelter: Pursued, Bullied, Bakery Refusing Entrance, Store left unattended, with locking door, a trap if you will, a fascists participation in the brutal lynching, On film, a bully seen next to Police, — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 15, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights 25) Lack of respect to Justice to be gathered & evidence heard. Seems only the accusers, whom just committed murder ; where...

RT @CHPSRE : @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights 25) Lack of respect to Justice to be gathered & evidence heard. Seems only the accusers, whom just committed murder ; where... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 1, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra Of being followed, Stocked, bullied, intimidated, harassed, threatened, and the possibility of why would a assignation, #HateCrime be ordered, by public, or private actors or fascists etc. One this that points out the most #Zakkostopoulos H.I.V. activism, and the monetary

Of being followed, Stocked, bullied, intimidated, harassed, threatened, and the possibility of why would a assignation, #HateCrime be ordered, by public, or private actors or fascists etc. One this that points out the most #Zakkostopoulos H.I.V. activism, and the monetary — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 15, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights What other evidence is there, and what does it stand for? Witnesses needed to be canvassed and their background checks conducted to corroborate their testimonies. Why has this not been done, were they afraid of what they would find out?

What other evidence is there, and what does it stand for? Witnesses needed to be canvassed and their background checks conducted to corroborate their testimonies. Why has this not been done, were they afraid of what they would find out? — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN In addition we need to find out that he was not targeted by any other actors. #zakkostopoulos...

RT @CHPSRE : @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN In addition we need to find out that he was not targeted by any other actors. #zakkostopoulos ... — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 1, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra while #Zakkostopoulos on the ground. Police already there, the victim: A well known #LGBTQIA #HIV Entertainer, Drag Queen #HumanRightsDefender It is very important to dig deeper in this case, as it is showing many hallmarks of a possible planned #HumanRightsDefenders

while #Zakkostopoulos on the ground. Police already there, the victim: A well known #LGBTQIA #HIV Entertainer, Drag Queen #HumanRightsDefender It is very important to dig deeper in this case, as it is showing many hallmarks of a possible planned #HumanRightsDefenders — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 15, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @zakkost @electrakoutra investigative body needs to be set up to explore ..What exactly took place. Its obvious he was bullied, tracked by bullies, brutally murdered, smear campaign and cover ups , lack of proper investigation ... Cover ups ... And media discrediting victim campaigns.

@electrakoutra investigative body needs to be set up to explore ..What exactly took place. Its obvious he was bullied, tracked by bullies, brutally murdered, smear campaign and cover ups , lack of proper investigation ... Cover ups ... And media discrediting victim campaigns. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 9, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @zakkost Preliminary lnvestigations show that he was very active in #AIDS activism. The drugs help people live normally, but are very expensive ... This is a very good lead. It must be explored ! Or, one, or a few actors will take the fall and #impunity may continue. #hrd @FrontLineHRD

Preliminary lnvestigations show that he was very active in #AIDS activism. The drugs help people live normally, but are very expensive ... This is a very good lead. It must be explored ! Or, one, or a few actors will take the fall and #impunity may continue. #hrd @FrontLineHRD — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 1, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @electrakoutra @Menelas74 @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @fidh_un @fidh_eu @UNHumanRights @HoudartUN @zakkost This case shows to be more than just a #HateCrime The #HumanRightsDefenders specific work needs to be explored ... For analysis of what actors where at play here! Given the magnitude of through-out the system cover-ups .. This means not only neo Nazi types .. @electrakoutra

This case shows to be more than just a #HateCrime The #HumanRightsDefenders specific work needs to be explored ... For analysis of what actors where at play here! Given the magnitude of through-out the system cover-ups .. This means not only neo Nazi types .. @electrakoutra — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) October 1, 2018 from Twitter

RT @moriena2: #Greece: On 21/9 #ZakKostopoulos (an #LGBTQ activist) was murdered by a jewelry shop owner who falsely claimed the victim had tried to rob him. Multiple videos have shown that he was LYNCHED. New video shows the victim trying to enter a bakery (for safety) and being blocked.

#Greece : On 21/9 #ZakKostopoulos (an #LGBTQ activist) was murdered by a jewelry shop owner who falsely claimed the victim had tried to rob him. Multiple videos have shown that he was LYNCHED. New video shows the victim trying to enter a bakery (for safety) and being blocked. — Θελξινοη Βελβεντου (@moriena2) October 3, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @EUatUN @AmnestyUK_LGBTI @UN_HRC @HRC @HoudartUN @charles_rad @IntlCrimCourt @washingtonpost @Jerusalem_Post @nationalpost @connpost @pbpost @GoldCoastMag @HuffPost @PostOpinions @ICIJorg @HRC_MI @HRC_WI @HRC_NV @HRC_OH here is Additional analysis of this brutal #LGBTQIA Aids Activist, Journalist & Drag Queen lynching in Athens, Greece 9/21/18 ... In link @electrakoutra @fidh_eu #zakkostopoulos here is Additional analysis of this brutal #LGBTQIA Aids Activist, Journalist & Drag Queen lynching in Athens, Greece 9/21/18 ... In link @electrakoutra @fidh_eu #zakkostopoulos — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) November 19, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights @FrontLineHRD @ISHRglobal @fidh_en @EUatUN @AmnestyUK_LGBTI @UN_HRC @HRC @HoudartUN @charles_rad @IntlCrimCourt @washingtonpost @Jerusalem_Post @nationalpost @connpost @pbpost @GoldCoastMag @HuffPost @PostOpinions @ICIJorg Was #zakkostopoulos Under any suspected #surveillance he, or anyone was aware of ? If so what actors were suspected? @electrakoutra Also ... Being an American the case deserves oversight by American Embassy;He was An American.. killed brutally under suspicious circumstances.

Was #zakkostopoulos Under any suspected #surveillance he, or anyone was aware of ? If so what actors were suspected? @electrakoutra Also ... Being an American the case deserves oversight by American Embassy;He was An American.. killed brutally under suspicious circumstances. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights Respect the rule of law & due process, under the law ; during the whole process with due process was Not followed. Through during, after and has perpetuated this case. Although, The victim was/ is accused & dragged through the mud. Full & fair public forum is required

Respect the rule of law & due process, under the law ; during the whole process with due process was Not followed. Through during, after and has perpetuated this case. Although, The victim was/ is accused & dragged through the mud. Full & fair public forum is required — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights What other evidence is there, and what does it stand for? Witnesses needed to be canvassed and their background checks conducted to corroborate their testimonies. Why has this not been done, were they afraid of what they would find out?

What other evidence is there, and what does it stand for? Witnesses needed to be canvassed and their background checks conducted to corroborate their testimonies. Why has this not been done, were they afraid of what they would find out? — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights 25) Lack of respect to Justice to be gathered & evidence heard. Seems only the accusers, whom just committed murder ; where the witnesses that were given credibility ; throughput this Justice process.

25) Lack of respect to Justice to be gathered & evidence heard. Seems only the accusers, whom just committed murder ; where the witnesses that were given credibility ; throughput this Justice process. — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights 22) Why A known gay man / activist seeking safe shelter in a store, what happened to him? 23)The Store open, with no one in it : could of been a distraction to deflect possible staged Assassination. 24) Why were no witnessed sought out by police, if this is the case?

22) Why A known gay man / activist seeking safe shelter in a store, what happened to him? 23)The Store open, with no one in it : could of been a distraction to deflect possible staged Assassination. 24) Why were no witnessed sought out by police, if this is the case? — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 @electrakoutra @pressfreedom @PinkNews @UNHumanRights 18) Why was to store door unlocked without the store attendant? 19)Why was the store door locked after he went in? 20)Why was the shopkeeper joined in the killing by a right wing extremist? 21)Why was a brawl happening,

18) Why was to store door unlocked without the store attendant? 19)Why was the store door locked after he went in? 20)Why was the shopkeeper joined in the killing by a right wing extremist? 21)Why was a brawl happening, — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 17)Specifically what activism actions did her do ?

17)Specifically what activism actions did her do ? — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter

RT @CHPSRE: @eva_n_agnosti @Menelas74 12)Why right winger participated in the lynching 13)why police did not arrested killers 14)Why only later killers arrested and then released 15) who released smear campaign, and demonizing Activist to media? 16) What activism did he worked?

12)Why right winger participated in the lynching 13)why police did not arrested killers 14)Why only later killers arrested and then released 15) who released smear campaign, and demonizing Activist to media? 16) What activism did he worked? — CollaborateForRights🏳‍🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) September 28, 2018 from Twitter