RT @MorganeOgerBC: Why I support #ProRep: People like @LaurieThroness, who panders to under-informed people harbouring deeply-held biases would be less likely to be elected... Is he lying or does he really believe #LGBTQ2+ Anti-Bullying Programs lead to self harm? http://bit.ly/2rf2uPb http://bit.ly/2FMydkM
Why I support #ProRep: People like @LaurieThroness, who panders to under-informed people harbouring deeply-held biases would be less likely to be elected...
— Morgane Oger M.S.M. (@MorganeOgerBC) November 30, 2018
Is he lying or does he really believe #LGBTQ2+ Anti-Bullying Programs lead to self harm?https://t.co/QOIBfVT2Ur https://t.co/z5yBomu8EM
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