RT @ana_beduschi: My article on #BigData for International #Migration is out! Arguing that big data can and should be used as a tool for the protection of migrants’ #HumanRights & preventing unnecessary deaths at sea @gtownlaw_gjil @ExeterCIL http://bit.ly/2EX2QBS http://bit.ly/2EX9clG
My article on #BigData for International #Migration is out! Arguing that big data can and should be used as a tool for
— Ana Beduschi (@ana_beduschi) December 30, 2018
the protection of migrants’ #HumanRights & preventing unnecessary deaths at sea @gtownlaw_gjil @ExeterCIL https://t.co/dPAO00HrsA pic.twitter.com/WDErUwFSFO
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