RT @VassilisTsarnas: @auzenakos explains why the police chose a #FarRight lawyer to represent the officers who were kicking semi-dead #ZakKostopoulos. In a current trial for #PoliceBrutality & #Torture the judges do what he wants: Impunity heading to another #ECHR conviction: http://bit.ly/2QoFYm1
@auzenakos explains why the police chose a #FarRight lawyer to represent the officers who were kicking semi-dead #ZakKostopoulos. In a current trial for #PoliceBrutality & #Torture the judges do what he wants: Impunity heading to another #ECHR conviction:https://t.co/5k4hyH37IM
— Vassilis Tsarnas (@VassilisTsarnas) December 1, 2018
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