RT @VassilisTsarnas: #Greece: 1 of the 2 murderers of #Queer #Hiv activist #ZakKostopoulos is/was the spokesperson of the #FarRight "Patriotic Front" a small pro-#Putin party participating in #Dugin's "Eurasian Union". Their (ex?) president participated in #Srebrenica massacre http://bit.ly/2OTOVyW
#Greece: 1 of the 2 murderers of #Queer #Hiv activist #ZakKostopoulos is/was the spokesperson of the #FarRight "Patriotic Front" a small pro-#Putin party participating in #Dugin's "Eurasian Union". Their (ex?) president participated in #Srebrenica massacrehttps://t.co/WcOvzFLHhr
— Vassilis Tsarnas (@VassilisTsarnas) September 26, 2018
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