RT @CHPSRE: @justice4zak @ICIJorg @pressfreedom @amnesty @fidh_en @fidh_un @PeterTatchell @SophieHRW @eyewitnessorg @astroehlein @ISHRglobal @FrontLineHRD Alert - Attacks on #HumanRights Defender's and their families by Governments and Corporations are getting more sophisticated ... They may use intermediates, up to many levels down, recruit /employee community, people you may know etc. to attack the #humanrightsdefenders.
Alert -
— CollaborateForRights🏳🌈🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇷 (@CHPSRE) December 13, 2018
Attacks on #HumanRights Defender's and their families by Governments and Corporations are getting more sophisticated ... They may use intermediates, up to many levels down, recruit /employee community, people you may know etc. to attack the #humanrightsdefenders.
from Twitter https://twitter.com/CHPSRE